Direct transfer to our German bank account
Company: Homesandmore GmbH
Bank: Deutsche Bank
Address of the bank:
Rotteckring 3
79098 Freiburg
Details of the bank account we will send to you with the prepayment request.
To our Paypal account
If you want to book an apartment now, please be sure that you have already received our request of payment.
Paypal payments are the fastest way to make your booking.
As soon as you pay, we receive a payment confirmation from Paypal. Then we send you the booking confirmation.
The company Homesandmore GmbH is a registered company in Germany and the owner of the website
We are certified by and are regulated by the German government:
Homes and more GmbH
Maierbuckallee 2
D-79112 Freiburg
Commercial register: HRB 6172
Legal form of the company: GmbH
Value added tax identification number subject to § 27a: DE 207689584
If you want to book an apartment now, please be sure that you have already received our request of payment. We only send the request of payment to the client, after the specific apartment is confirmed for this reservation.